Valerie Crosse

Valerie Crosse is a practising artist and yoga teacher living in Beechworth

Valerie studied art and design at Reigate Art School in the United Kingdom for four years, then in 1981 trained as a teacher of art at Liverpool Polytechnic. In 1985 Valerie migrated to Australia. Two years later, in Tasmania, she qualified to teach yoga.

Valerie’s artwork takes inspiration from a wide range of sources. Some of her paintings begin in the words and music of particular songs, others reflect the environment of her home and garden, and many more portray archetypal and religious themes across a variety of cultures.

She has had several successful solo and group exhibitions, receiving commendations and commissions for her artwork. Many of her works are in private homes and public commissions within Australia and in the United Kingdom.


phone: 0400 923 557

Mount Buffalo, Valerie Crosse
Oil on canvas, 80 x 170cm
Private collection
The Lemon Tree, Valeria Crosse (2023),
Oil on canvas, 122 x 91,
Contact the artist
Mystical Morning, Valerie Crosse,
Oil on canvas, 90 x 110 cm,
Private collection
Valerie Crosse 2023. Photograph by Coral Cooksley and The Ovens and Murray Advertiser (details here)