ABC talks writers’ refugee panel

Lesley Milne with Afghan Hazara refugee students in Beechworth in 2016.

Beechworth’s Leslie Milne tomorrow (Wed, Feb 1) talks with 106.5FM ABC Goulburn-Murray’s Joseph Thomsen at 7:15am about the refugee panel discussion to take place at Writers, Readers and Poets’ Weekend in Beechworth on February 11.

Wars, conflict and persecution have forced more people than at any other time to flee their homes and seek refuge and safety elsewhere. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ Global trends 2015 reported that almost 60 million people were forcibly displaced by the end of 2014 – up by nearly 14m in a single year. One in every 122 of the world’s people is a refugee, displaced in their own country, or seeking asylum. If this were the population of a single nation it would rank twenty-fourth in the world.

The stark realities of displacement are to be discussed at WRAP with young adults who want to share the stories of their journeys and the ‘the way of the world’ and of their search for asylum and opportunity in Australia. The panel will be convened at George Kerferd Hotel at 1:00pm on Sat, Feb 11.

Last winter Border Refugee and Asylum Seeker Support (BRASS) group members and families in Beechworth and nearby North East communities opened their homes for one weekend to 24 students from St Joseph’s Flexible Learning Centre in North Melbourne – each of them a refugee. Some of them are returning to participate in this panel discussion about our shared time and place in the wider world.

Participation: $20 – proceeds shared with BRASS | book it | presenters’ information